LifeCamp has been my home for the over 25 years. I mean, literally.
Shortly after I pivoted from my post-college New York corporate career to more satisfying non-profit work, my husband Barry and I landed at LifeCamp as property managers-in-residence. Since then, my job has evolved to include office manager and volunteer coordinator, roles that have given me the opportunity to interact and connect directly with staff, campers, and their families. These relationships have enriched my life beyond measure. And it is this mark of connection, and a family atmosphere, that so defines LifeCamp. It is what I love most.
We have raised two children who became campers and volunteers and finally paid staff lifeguards. I am a product of Warren, New Jersey, country life, and I know the benefits and wonders of the freedom of roaming outdoor spaces with friends. It was a great way to grow up.
Barry and I loved riding our bikes up McCann Mill Road all those years ago when we first laid eyes on LifeCamp. I still like to bike the local lanes and play a little golf in my spare time.